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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Zesty Chicken and Vegetables.

Over this month we have been in the middle of a sermon series at church called "Lets Get Healthy".  What a great way to start off the month of January.  

Ok now... let me preface.  I in no way made any types of resolutions to workout more, lose weight, or set some ridiculous goal for me to reach.  Let's just be honest..... I would be setting my self up for a major failure!  

But after this sermon series I was very convicted about many things in my life.  Not only about my self physically but also my personal relationship with Christ.  This post is going to focus on the physical convictions that I have.  

Since I started my new jobs nearly 6 months ago I have been doing a very bad job preparing healthy meals for my family.  If I'm being truly honest then I would tell you that I have been all around bad about preparing any meals for my family.

and the recipient of the Worst Wife of the Year Award goes to........ ME!!!

So this week I took the first step and prepared a healthy meal.
You will need:
4 sheets of aluminum foil
4 chicken breast
2 Garlic cloves
1 Red, yellow, orange bell pepper
1 yellow onion
lite zesty italian dressing
salt and fresh ground pepper
4 tsps of olive oil

Prep time takes about 15 minutes.  You seriously can't beat that!  Before tackling the veggies pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees.   Wash all veggies thoroughly.  Julienne all bell peppers and dice the onion.  Set all veggies to the side until your ready to top the chicken.
Place chicken breast on foil square and top each with:
1 tsps of olive oil
season with pinch of salt and pepper (I think I may try sea salt next time)
top with garlic, bell peppers, and onions
sprinkle with basil
top all with italian dressing
After adorning the chicken with all those fabulous veggies.... fold the sides of the foil to create a fun little pouch.  Transfer all foil packets to a baking sheet and bake chicken on 375 for 25 to 30 minutes until chicken is cooked throughout.

This meal was a serious winner with B!  He has personally requested it again and will be eating it for lunch tomorrow!  Hope y'all enjoy!

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