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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Oh How Healthy Pinning

Hey guys!!!
 So this is a first for my pinterest posts but since I'm finished with school, have more time, and summer is seriously just around the corner I thought it might be a great source of inspiration for me if I did a healthy pinning post!

Commence tattling on self:
- I'm addicted to sweet tea
-I drink maybe 4 cokes a week
- I eat WAY too much pizza 
- I hate running so I make excuses not to
- My latest work out has consists of lather, rinse, repeat
and dancing around the living room with Tippy Tutu
(at least its cardio right?)

Ok.... now that I've pinpointed my problem heres my favorite workouts that I've found that I'm going to try.  I'm also using as app called C25K (couch to 5 K) 

Elle Woods said it best.....

 .... steps on dental hygiene soap box..... 
You are only as healthy as your teeth and gums!
So floss AT LEAST once a day and brush 2 minutes twice a day.

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